This Sunday - Mercy comes running!

This Sunday we will look at the heart of God and His love manifesting as mercy. Mercy is when we do not get what we deserve. There are some great truths about God’s mercy and character revealed in the story of Jonah. Aside from that, it is really important for us to agree and receive all that God has offered us through His Son Jesus Christ. I hope the following truths help you do just that:

What God says about you is true whether you agree with Him or not. Whether you choose today to believe He loves you or not doesn't make it true, it's already true; it just determines whether you experience the life and peace of His love for you!!

If and when you commit a sin, renew your mind to agree with God that your standing with Him has not changed despite your 'guilty’ feelings. Make sure you agree with who God still says you are. Dare to believe your poor choice did not change your spirit man’s relationship and union with Christ inside. Remember, an apple tree is still an apple tree even if it doesn’t always have apples on it.

Knowing the Truth will set you free. Therefore, believing a lie will put you in bondage. You might think your bondage is from a sinful behavior, but the lie that produced that behavior is the actual problem. Starting with the chief lie that a sinful behavior could satisfy you. You are too great of creation to be satisfied by anything but the Spirit of God.